
Getting New Dentures: What Can I Expect

Dentures are a trusted solution and part of our restorative dental services within our office. Dentures often come with several questions and concerns and be an adjustment for patients. After discussing, your goals and lifestyle we believe dentures may be the perfect solution to improve your smile!

New dentures at Anthony Martin, D.M.D

The process of getting dentures:

In our office, we work with each patient to create an individualized denture that is comfortable and helps them achieve their desired smile. For patients who have existing teeth and looking to get their first denture, we start by taking impressions. Once we receive the patients temporary denture, the procedure to get their teeth extracted will be scheduled. Over the course of several weeks to months, we will use a treatment called tissue conditioner to promote healing. Once your gums have healed a permanent denture will be made.

What is the process of getting new dentures

Questions about new dentures and extractions:

Can I eat with my new dentures after extractions?

Yes, but we recommend eating soft foods for a few days since your gums will be sore. Foods that are spicy or hot should be avoided.

Am I supposed to sleep with my dentures in?

The only night you will sleep with your dentures in is the night of your extractions. This will help prevent the extraction site from swelling.

How do I clean my dentures?

Clean your denture just as you would regular teeth. We recommend cleaning them twice daily with a toothbrush and toothpaste. Try to avoid brushing over the areas with tissue conditioner or reline treatment.

Can I smoke after my surgery?

Our patients are advised not to smoke for at least 5 days after surgery. If you insist on smoking, you will be greatly increasing and prolonging pain related to the extraction and healing time. You will also have a higher chance of developing dry-sockets and increase your chance of infection.